Monday, November 28, 2005

The weather pixie is wearing normal clothes!

Now that it's a little cooler, the Weather Pixie is actually wearing normal clothes!!!!!! She's wearing a very nice sweater and pants.


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Over-obligated....or just feeling like I am

So, a while ago I posted that one of my upcoming posts was going to be about being over-obligated....yeah...I've been too busy to post.....

Really, I'm not over-obligated...I just feel like I am...

Why is it that I feel so responsible for fulfilling everyone's expectations?
I'm horrible at it.
* Thank-you notes.
* Keep-in-touch phone calls.
* Volunteering to help (with everything).
* Organizing this, that or the other.
* Being in charge of maintaining group communication.
* Keeping a spotless house...or even just tidy.

Even if others don't expect me to do something, I somehow feel like I'm failing by not volunteering myself and my time.
Even if others have no idea or intention of me doing something, I still feel that I should do it and by not doing it, I've failed at being 'good', 'responsible', 'thoughtful', etc. (all those good things)

And, I actually want to do most of these things (that's probably the root of my problem), I just haven't figured out how to fit them in to my life.

I also want time for me (selfishly, when I want to do what I want, I put the monkey-kids in front of the TV). I fear that I'm not giving them enough non-TV time...or enough time playing with me (rather than just playing in the same room as me). And I 'lose-it' with them far too often...where's that gentleness, kindness, self-control?

When I do get the time to work on something...I usually choose a selfish thing to spend my time on. I could write a thank-you note, but I sit and knit. I could phone an old friend, but I play with my craft stuff. I could clean the house, but I hide in a book. I could empty the dishwasher, but I surf the internet reading blogs.

(sigh) I guess I have to work a little harder on my servant-heart....

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I ripped it out!

I picked up the seed stitch kerchief because I thought it would be good to get something done on it. Well, after knitting one row, I decided to rip it all out.

The cast on was too tight, so the shape was off right at the beginning.
My tension wasn't even when I last worked on it and it just didn't look very nice.
After I did a row, a bunch of holes appeared. Not dropped stitches, more like intentional holes, that weren't intentional.

Monkey-girl decided she'd rather have a red one anyways, and they look dumb on me, so I ripped it out, wound the yarn into a ball and picked out something else to make with it...

...a bowtie scarf. And so far, it looks quite nice and is moving along at a decent pace (for me).

(I hope one skein will be enough....)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

So, what's up next?

Now that I've finished Monkey-boy's sweater, I can spend more time on the other projects I've started but haven't finished yet! Yay!

Now, let me see....
* Monkey-girl's needlepoint stocking (stitching 90% completed)
* Homespun crocheted shawl (75% completed)
* Seed-stitch knit chenille kerchief (50% completed)
* Crocheted ribbon purse (60% completed)
* Needlepoint sampler I forgot I started 10 years ago (80% completed)
* Crocheted doll dress (50% completed)
* Beautiful cross-stitch tree sampler for me (20% completed)
* Christmas presents (like I'm going to say what they are!)
* Funky knit socks (5% completed)
* Stunning black layered wrap skirt for me (I have all the stuff I need)
I think that might be it.....maybe....

Then there are all the projects I want to make...
* two baby blankets for new babies I know
* knit cropped sweater for me
* knit wrap sweater for me
* cuddly knit sweater for monkey-girl
* monkey-girl's crocheted afghan for her bed
* oodles of cross-stitch kits hiding in my closet
* snazzy pants I bought a pattern for
* snazzy wrap top I bought a pattern for
* me, there are lots and lots and lots more....

And, this doesn't count the card projects, bead projects, scrapbook projects, etc that I would like to do....hmmmmmm....maybe I'm a bit unrealistic?

Finally pictures of monkey-boy's sweater!

It has taken me so long to get these pictures off the camera and on to my computer, but here we go...

This is monkey-boy's sweater I talked about HERE and HERE. So, it takes me 2 weeks to post pictures....I had to figure out what I was doing.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

What's up with the Weather Pixie?

Okay, I think the Weather Pixie is fun and cute...that's why I bothered to put one on my blog. However, I think the poor thing would freeze in what she is wearing. Do the people who match the graphics to the temperature just not realize what cooler temperatures feel like?

If I went outside right now in a cropped top with no jacket, I wouldn't be nearly as's hard to relax when you're shivering.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Posts to come...

* Monkey-boy's cardigan is done! (with picture)
* Where does the time go?
* seems....
* Who knows what else