Thursday, October 19, 2006

We're back from the great white north

:) I had to say it. We did have snow in Saskatoon while we were there and it is north of us (by quite a bit actually).

Now we're back and I have laundry and unpacking and grocery shopping and photo organizing and photo uploading and blog reading and blog posting and meal making and lots of other stuff to do.

Pictures definitely to come!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're not having our celebration this weekend because we're travelling to Saskatchewan for a family wedding. The in-laws left yesterday by car and we're leaving tomorrow by air. We're going to have a BIG family celebration on Wednesday there. Then, of course, there will be the BIG family celebration at the wedding!

I thought I'd list a few things I'm thankful for. These are in no particular order, really just how they came to mind.

God, Family, wonderful friends, TKHubband, our monkey-children, our (pretty decent) health, our church, the kids' school, their wonderful teachers, TKHubband's job, our climate, our house and big yard, our cats, nice yarn (yes, I know, it's a weakness), flowers, trees, thunderstorms, doing crafts with the monkey-children, my computer (time-waster that it is), home-made cookies.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!