Saturday, July 22, 2006


Hot, that is. We're having a heat wave ("...a tropical heat wave...") here and we're so obviously not used to it. We don't have air conditioning because, in general, we only need it for 2-4 weeks each summer. (I love our mild climate!!!!) And what's the point spending a bunch of money for something we don't really NEED.

Anyways, we're going to look at window air conditioning units this morning...the house cooled down to a toasty 27 degrees Celsius last night (that's 81 F) and we did not sleep well.

1 comment:

TKHubband said...

Ok, that's funny. The "tropical heat wave" song was going through my head, too. The Walter Matthau version from "Grumpy Old Men", even though he only sang a line or two. :)