Saturday, December 23, 2006

Twas the day before the day before Christmas...

The living room is a jumble of gifts and wrapping paraphenalia. A few years ago I bought a large amount of Christmas wrapping paper after Christmas when it was marked down. I'm finally coming to the end of it; I think I have enough for this year. It's nice and strong. I love wrapping presents, but I've been so spoiled by this thick paper, that I know I'm going to get frustrated wrapping the last few with the cheaper paper. I'll be tugging on the paper and ri-i-i-ip. I guess I'll be picking up a bunch more next week. :)

The kids are finally out of school, and wham! it suddenly feels like Christmas. How weird is that? I've been decorating, wrapping, playing Christmas music for weeks and wondered why it still didn't feel like Christmas. Half an hour after getting home from school with the kids, and I'm thinking, "Christmas is coming! Christmas is coming!"

My Christmas cards and letters are finally all signed, addressed and stamped and stacked by the door, waiting for me to take them to the post office this morning. Yes, they're late. They're "New Years cards". :)

We've been going through the Brandy Beans. We're not big drinkers, an occasional glass of wine, maybe a Ceasar when we're out for a fancy dinner, but when it's "Brandy Bean Season"....look out. :) They're just so yummy.

We're having Christmas tomorrow with TKHubband's family, and then there's the Christmas Eve service, so I have to get everything that's left done today. Pumpkin Tarts, Candied Yams, wrapping presents, mailing cards and gathering everything together so I don't forget to take something to either my in-laws or the Christmas Eve service. I think I can manage it. I think I might even be ready for Christmas morning already! Well, except for the rest of the presents I need to wrap...

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