I love snow. Growing up here in the Pacific Northwest (BC-ers call it the "South Coast"), I was very aware that "we never get enough snow". Most times we have a green Christmas, and some winters we don't get any snow that "sticks".
Common comments about winter weather here:
"It's snowing, but it isn't sticking."
"The snow's sticking! But it'll rain tomorrow."
"Wow! It snowed 4 inches!"
"No, it isn't snowing."
"No, sweetie, it still isn't snowing."
"No, sweetie, it still isn't snowing. Maybe it will snow tonight."
"No, sweetie, it looks like it isn't going to snow this time."

The kids are definitely enjoying the snow, but it's warming up now. In a few days, when the rain comes, our deep snow will slowly, surely melt away.
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