Friday, April 21, 2006

It's Friday, it's Friday!

And the weather is going to be lovely this weekend! I'm going to plant the rest of my spring bulbs (freesias, I LOVE freesias, and some anemones), some bedding plants I already picked up and some seeds because it's just cool to watch plants grow from next to nothing. :)

I'm also going to a "Creative Loop" seminar at our church tomorrow morning where I'm going to a workshop on vocal harmonies. I'm pretty excited about this as I love to sing harmony, but I think I have a mental block on how to do it. (I understand the technical aspects and can harmonize to hymns, but can't seem to figure it out 'on-the-fly' with modern songs.)

Right now, I'm smelling a lovely pork roast cooking away in my oven. YUM! I'll have to finish this off and hurry up and make the apple sauce and mashed potatoes. That's a rule, you know. If you make a pork roast, you must make apple sauce and mashed potatoes and gravy. :)


TKHubband said...

Speaking of mental blocks, you might have a mental block about weekdays, too. After all, it's not like you can't plant bulbs and stuff during the week. :) Sure, your husband's not home during the week, but really, how much help is he on the weekend anyway?

LM said...

hey tk,
thanks a bunch for your plug on my blog....seens i have a bit of bloggers block....can't think of what to say. reading yours helped.
ta ta