Sunday, October 09, 2005


One year ago today, we brought home a sweet little kitten from the SPCA shelter.

At that time, we already had 2 cats, but they were older and my husband and I thought that it would be nice for the kids to have a cat that was 'theirs'.

We were nuts.

Kitten is what I call him. Monkey-girl changed his name so many times that "Kitten" was something I could call him that wasn't 'wrong'. He has been "Gentle-Soft-Warm-Kitten", "Candle-Holder", "Pull-Tail", "Catch-Up", and a few others I don't remember.

Kitten is a cat. I suppose we missed this stage with our other cats because we were both working when they were kittens. But really, he's pretty crazy. He doesn't seem to learn from any type of discipline. I've tried the loud voice, clapping, grabbing him and locking him in the bathroom, and spraying water. He's either really smart, or really dumb. I think he thinks scratching the furniture and the way I react is a big game. (The other cats learned.)

The only reason we have kept him is because he is so very wonderful with the kids. He thinks he is one of the kids. I have never seen a cat so relaxed around little kids. Once there were 5 kids under 4 years old playing together and Kitten just walked over and flopped down on the ground among them!

I wonder how many years until he calms down and I'm a little worried that he won't. Ever.

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