Yes, I'm still here.
It's been a couple of weeks. I know.
Well, what has happened in the last two weeks?
A friend's child got chicken pox (and I wasn't sure if my kids were going to get it - they haven't).
Monkey-girl's school had their spring fair.
Friends' little guy had a birthday party.

(The house settling caused a nail to puncture a copper pipe...who puts a nail where there's a copper pipe????)
Kitten's eye started watering (he's fine now - vet gave him some eye-drops). We think he must have got dust in it (or something) after spending the night in the crawl space under the house.
Monkey-girl got her dance photos taken.
Mother's Day.
And yesterday, TKHubband was rear-ended on his way to work. (He's okay....a bit sore, but okay. We'll find out about the car today.)
So, I haven't been sitting around eating bon-bons all this time, I've been unmotivated to blog because life has been, well, life. I finally decided I'd better get some of this posted or soon it will be a month with no posts. And that wouldn't be good.